Monroe & Garnica
Welcome to our wedding website. On this site you will find the pictures of our wedding which took place on October 14th in Santa Barbara, Ca.    Both Angel and I are very excited to have our  family and friends part take in our life.   My brother has summed up it well in a poem he wrote.

Tilted your heads up and tilted your heads down
Took sometime to look around
Went on a few trips for long durations
Stayed in quarters of tight concentrations
Witnessed each others hair be crazy & bad
Passed through situations that made each other mad
Both of you posses a great set of skills
Cooking, organizing & paying the bills
You take the time to discuss each other’s dreams
Love & laughter enough to split at the seams
Many common interest have been found to exist
So a life together was decided not to be missed.
Myles Monroe